Further Reading

Lancet Countdown
In 2015, the Lancet Commission published their first report on the health impacts of climate change, noting that “tackling climate change could be the greatest global health opportunity of the 21st century.” The Lancet Countdown: Tracking Progress on Health and Climate Change was subsequently formed in 2016 and has published annual updates. The 2021 report focuses on the worsening impacts of climate change on every region of the globe, referencing wildfires, heat, communicable diseases and drought-induced increases to food and water insecurity. It goes on to comment on the insufficient adaptation measures and dire costs of inaction as well as continuing from last year’s message that the “COVID-19 recovery presents an unprecedented opportunity to invest in a future of economic and environmental sustainability, improved health and reduced inequities. However, this will only be possible if the world acts together to ensure that no person is left behind.”

See also the related Policy Brief for the U.S. and Additional Resources including information for Medical Professionals and Regional Fact Sheets.


Project Drawdown
A comprehensive plan of 100 ranked solutions for reducing global carbon emissions over the next 30 years, modeled and vetted by a coalition of researchers and experts. Project Drawdown identified currently available technological, ecological, and behavioral solutions and assessed their potential impact and economic feasibility if implemented at scale.

Minnesota Department of Health Climate and Health Program
The Minnesota Department of Health Climate and Health Program has compiled a wealth of resources on how climate change is impacting health in our state, including reports, training modules, videos, and assessment tools.

American Public Health Association Climate Change Resources
The APHA recognizes that climate change is a health emergency and has compiled factsheets, infographics, articles, webinars, and more.

U.S. Global Change Research Program Fourth National Climate Assessment
This 2018 report assesses risks, impacts, and adaptation in the United States and includes chapters on air quality and human health.

December 2020 issue of Health Affairs: Climate & Health
This special issue (Volume 39, No. 12) of the peer-reviewed journal Health Affairs focuses on climate and health and includes articles on topics such as policy recommendations, health care sustainability, quantifying the health impacts of climate change, health disparities and mental health impacts of natural disasters, climate migration, and more.

Center for Climate Change & Health
Established in 2010 by the California-based nonprofit Public Health Institute, the Center for Climate Change & Health advocates for “efforts that reduce long-term climate change, promote climate resilient communities, protect all people from the health impacts of climate change, and optimize health and health equity outcomes and co-benefits.” They create educational resources such as a guide to climate change, health, and equity for physicians and one for local public health departments.