There’s an inherent uncertainty in responding to the emerging health impacts of climate change.
This is our moment to come together and co-create the clinical and community responses we need.
Join Health Professionals for a Healthy Climate (HPHC), Advocates for Better Health (ABH), Minnesota Doctors for Health Equity (MDHEQ), the University of Minnesota School of Nursing, and community leaders for an immersive continuing education conference — Code Blue for Patient Earth focused on “weathering the uncertainty” of climate change together.
In-person: Join for an immersive in-person experience with us at Sanctuary: 710 W. Broadway Minneapolis, MN 55411.
Online: Join online at a reduced registration rate and enjoy interactive facilitation from the comfort of your home.
A nourishing, catered lunch will be provided. This conference is also an optional continuing education opportunity.
You’ll build self-efficacy for climate change mitigation and adaptation solutions while centering the experiences and expertise of people most at risk of climate change impacts. Plus, we’ll focus on well-being and creativity as practices to sustain ourselves and each other.
Full schedule and session facilitators will be announced via email and social media, sign up to stay connected!
Session 1: Climate change on the frontlines: Perspectives from environmental justice community leaders.
Session 2: Climate care in uncertain times: Clinical strategies for protecting patient health.
Session 3: Moving upstream: Community and policy solutions for weathering and creating change.
Session 4: Lunch roundtable discussion: Share your experience and co-create new ideas for your clinical, public health, science, or community practice.
Code Blue 2024 is also a continuing education opportunity for a variety health disciplines.
Code Blue 2022 was held on April 22-23, 2022.
Learn more about Code Blue 2022, including past topics and speakers.