Climate Corner: An HPHC Blog

Insights at the intersection of climate and health
Understanding climate and health policy in the 2024 legislative session
Understanding climate and health policy in the 2024 legislative session

5 min. read | Policy and advocacy | Minnesota legislature   The 2024 Minnesota legislative session wrapped up in mid-May and brought several wins for climate action.  As you might recall, 2023 was a celebratory year for climate action with the passage of the 100% carbon-free electricity by 2040 bill and extensive investments in solar,… Read more »

Meet Kelley, HPHC’s new executive director
Meet Kelley, HPHC’s new executive director

In March 2024, HPHC welcomed Kelley Skumautz, MA, as our first full-time executive director. HPHC is grateful to Brenna Doheny, PhD, MPH, for enthusiastically and steadfastly leading the organization through key milestones as both volunteer executive director and board chair. Moving forward, Brenna will focus on her role as board chair to continue advancing HPHC’s… Read more »

Leading the charge towards electric school buses and better health
Leading the charge towards electric school buses and better health

“As an educator and a physician, I’m excited about new funding opportunities for Minneapolis Public Schools to transition our fossil fuel burning bus fleet to zero emission electric school buses,” Dr. Dan Trajano, MD, MBA, board member of Health Professionals for a Healthy Climate (HPHC), said during a recent Minneapolis Public Schools’ board meeting. Just… Read more »

Minnesota’s 2023 legislative session: Monumental investments in climate and health action
Minnesota’s 2023 legislative session: Monumental investments in climate and health action

HPHC is celebrating the end of the 2023 Minnesota Legislative session and the passage of monumental policies and investments that will support a healthy climate and improved health for all Minnesotans. HPHC advocated for and worked on numerous policies that passed in 2023 in collaboration with other groups and coalitions, including: 100% Campaign, Coalition for… Read more »