Understanding climate and health policy in the 2024 legislative session

Understanding climate and health policy in the 2024 legislative session
Understanding climate and health policy in the 2024 legislative session

5 min. read | Policy and advocacy | Minnesota legislature   The 2024 Minnesota legislative session wrapped up in mid-May and brought several wins for climate action.  As you might recall, 2023 was a celebratory year for climate action with the passage of the 100% carbon-free electricity by 2040 bill and extensive investments in solar,… Read more »

Minnesota’s 2023 legislative session: Monumental investments in climate and health action
Minnesota’s 2023 legislative session: Monumental investments in climate and health action

HPHC is celebrating the end of the 2023 Minnesota Legislative session and the passage of monumental policies and investments that will support a healthy climate and improved health for all Minnesotans. HPHC advocated for and worked on numerous policies that passed in 2023 in collaboration with other groups and coalitions, including: 100% Campaign, Coalition for… Read more »