About the Advocacy Fellowship

About the Advocacy Fellowship


Health Professionals for a Healthy Climate proudly launched our inaugural Climate and Health Equity Leaders (CHEL) Fellowship cohort in summer-fall 2023.

The 10-month advocacy fellowship is designed for health professionals from a variety of disciplines, backgrounds, and experience levels who are concerned about the public health impacts of climate change. The fellowship is a unique leadership opportunity to translate those concerns and passions into action. The advocacy fellowship is open to all practicing and retired health professionals from interprofessional fields including medicine, nursing, public health, behavioral health, social work, veterinary medicine, and many other health-related fields. 


Climate and Health Equity Leaders have the opportunity to:

1. Learn about the specific climate health impacts and climate justice issues Minnesotans face

2. Gain advocacy skills through trainings about supporting frontline communities, engaging in legislative advocacy, and applying effective climate communications skills

3. Receive personalized mentorship from health professional advocates who are well-versed in public policy advocacy, organizing, and strategic communications


Application Process


The application for the upcoming 2024-2025 Climate and Health Equity Leaders Fellowship cohort will open soon in summer 2024.

For general questions about the advocacy fellowship, please contact our team at info@hpforhc.org.


Climate and Health Equity Leaders Fellowship logo