Code Blue for Patient Earth Conference

Code Blue for Patient Earth 2024: Weathering Uncertainty


Join us on Saturday, November 9 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. either in-person or online!


There’s an inherent uncertainty in responding to the emerging health impacts of climate change.

This is our moment to come together and co-create the clinical and community responses we need.


Continuing education credits available. Saturday, November 9, 2024. Code Blue for Patient Earth: Weathering Uncertainty. 8:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Join in-person or online! Registration now open:


Join Health Professionals for a Healthy Climate (HPHC), Advocates for Better Health (ABH), Minnesota Doctors for Health Equity (MDHEQ), the University of Minnesota School of Nursing, and community leaders for an immersive continuing education conference — Code Blue for Patient Earth focused on “weathering the uncertainty” of climate change together.

Code Blue 2024 will bring together more than 100 health professionals and frontline experts from environmental justice, mental health, nursing, pharmacy, physician, public health, social work, veterinary, and dentistry communities — represent your health or science profession and join us!


Saturday, November 9, 2024 | 8:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

In-person option: Join for an immersive in-person experience at The Gathering Place at Sanctuary: 2018 N. Aldrich Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55411. The Gathering Place is located on the first floor of the building and is considered accessible. Ample onsite parking is available along with street parking and an overflow parking lot. There are also City of Minneapolis electric vehicle charging stations nearby. Metro Transit bus lines service Stop #8306 (West Broadway/Aldrich Ave N.) and Stop #11180 (West Broadway/Lyndale Ave N.), which are both located less than 0.2 miles from the event space.

Online option: Join online at a reduced registration rate and enjoy interactive facilitation from the comfort of your home.


A nourishing, catered lunch will be provided. This conference is also an optional continuing education opportunity.

You’ll build self-efficacy for climate change mitigation and adaptation solutions while centering the experiences and expertise of people most at risk of climate change impacts. Plus, we’ll focus on well-being and creativity as practices to sustain ourselves and each other. 

Full schedule and session facilitators will be announced via email and social media, sign up to stay connected!

Session 1: Climate change on the frontlines: Perspectives from environmental justice community leaders.

Session 2: Climate care in uncertain times: Clinical strategies for protecting patient health.

Session 3: Moving upstream: Community and policy solutions for weathering and creating change.

Session 4: Lunch roundtable discussion: Share your experience and co-create new ideas for your clinical, public health, science, or community practice.

Health professionals:

  • In-person option: $60
  • Online option: $45


Students and/or frontline community members:

  • In-person option: $25
  • Online option: $10


If finances are a barrier to participating, please let us know!

Thanks to supporters in HPHC’s network, we have a designated “community fund” to help cover participation costs for anyone interested in attending.

To receive financial support from the community fund, please email Kelley at [email protected]. 

Space is limited! Register to secure your spot today!


Register for Code Blue 2024


Code Blue 2024 is also a continuing education credit opportunity for a variety of health disciplines. 


Learn how to receive credits


Code Blue for Patient Earth 2022: Pathways to Resilience

Code Blue 2022 was held on April 22-23, 2022.

Learn more about Code Blue 2022, including past topics and speakers.


Code Blue for Patient Earth flyer: Pathways to Resilience